Top Ten Tuesday : Top Ten Most Unique Books I have read

Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the cool crew at The Broke and the Bookish.

First off I really don’t get to read a lot of unique books, but i have come across a few that have left certain impressions on me. I struggled to get 10 books because I have been too busy reading YA I need to branch out and just read more abstract stuff.  And I’m a bit lazy today as I didn’t include the book covers.(I know I’m a bit off my game, desperately playing catch up)

1. Ghana Must go by Taiye Selasi
This is such as an awesome story. A bit slow at the beginning but such a moving narration of events that can alter your life forever. Highly recommended
2. Alive by Chandler Baker
I thought this was your typical YA book, but it was one of those that was just eerily creepy. Felt like I stepped into a scary movie, a bit dark but it highlights the fact that some things are better left unknown.
3. Diva by Carrie Duffy
I read this book a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. Maybe because it tells how the world of showbiz and celebrity lifestyles is not a walk in the park.
4. Bond girl by Erin Duffy
I really loved this book. Two reasons, a strong female lead and also the fact that she was kicking ass in Wall street which can be so full of testosterone.
5. Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom
This is an all time fave of mine. I can re-read this book over and over again. So many life lessons and advice you can apply to your life.
6. Crazy for Alice by Alex Dunn
This was a spur of the moment read. I haven’t even reviewed it yet but it was just such an awesome book. I liked that it addressed mental health issues and how sometimes all we need is someone to give a crap about what we are going through or what we are trying to say.
7. The Hybrid by Venue Morales
Debut YA paranormal story with amazing characters. The female lead was just a bad ass and I really wish the author would send me book 2.
8. The Midnight sea by Kat Ross
I never like historical fiction but this one was different. I like that the main characters were not your typical Adonis and Aphrodite, They were just 2 ordinary people with disabilities doing extraordinary things with a lot of heart.
9. Dinner with a vampire by Abigail Gibbs
A fun paranormal YA story, actually it was pretty dark and a bit twisted when I think about it. But I remember enjoying it a lot for its weirdness. I mean who chooses to live with a vampire instead of your freedom?
10. The Five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Another stunning thought proving read by Mitch Albom. It makes you think about how the people in your live impact who you are. I can’t recommend it enough.

Top 10 Tuesday: Hidden Gem books I’ve read


It feels like a lifetime since I did a “Top Ten Tuesday” so here are my Top 10 hidden gem books.

  1. The Truth About Love by Tia McCollors – This book was just absolutely awesome to read. It is a story about friendship and  4 women who are dealing wth  their relationships and love in different ways.
  2. Grey by Christi J. Whitney – I’m a huge fan of paranormal fantasy and so this was a fun read for me. It was nice to learn more about gypsies and gargoyles.
  3. Crystallum by Laney McMann – This was by far one of my favourite reads from lat year because it turned out to be soo much better than I had anticipated. I would highly recommend it.
  4. Bloodmark by Aurora Whittet – This is my favourite series that I can’t even bring myself to read the final book in the series. If you love wolves and a good supernatural series then this is for you.
  5. Like Candy by Debra Doxer – This was more contempory YA and a personal favorite of mine as I don’t always like reading contemporary YA. It was full of suspense and action.
  6. The Hybrid by Venus Morales – A fun fast paced paranormal fantasy story. I always liked a bada** female lead and this book doesn’t fail to deliver.
  7. The Midnight Sea by Kat Ross – I loved this book so much. It had so much depth and of course the fact that the main characters had disabilities made it even that more perfect. It just shows that being perfect is overated.
  8. Ignite by Erica Crouch – A fantastic fantasy story about choices, love and sacrifice. If you liked Angelfall by Susan Ee then you will love this.
  9. Cursed by Christina Bauer – This is a favorite author of mine and her books never disappoint.
  10. Angels of Moirai – I always love stories with a bit of greek mythology and so that is what I enjoyed most about this book.

Have you read any of the books listed? Also tell me about your own hidden gem books.


Top Ten Tuesday : My Top 10 All Time Fav Fantasy Adventures


Top 10 Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome through at The Broke and The Bookish

For this TTT I have chosen the Fantasy Genre as this is a fav of mine. Some of the books fall into the paranormal/ Urban fantasy sub-genre but ultimately it’s Fantasy. And I will point out that they are all part of a series…. what else is NEW!

1. Starlight (Dragonian Series) – This is the final book in the dragonian series and even though it felt a bit long and drawn out, it is by far my favorite book in the series. With lots of dragons and magic, what more could I possibly want?

2. Talon (Talon Series) – This book was the one that made me fall in love with Dragons. So I have to give it the most major props.

3. Divergent (Divergent series) – I love this series so much and also this got me loving dystopian stories. Its not really fantasy per se but it is set in a

4. Unspoken (Shadow Falls series) – I do love a bit of paranormal fantasy and this was no exception. I don’t always read about vampires but this series was by far a fav of mine.

5. Angelfall (Angelfall series) – Did someone say Raffe? I love Angels and everything else that comes with it. Especially when they have a savior complex.

6. Bound by Duty (Bound series) – A seriously underrated series that I think everyone should read.

Bound by Duty Cover
7. Old Dog new tricks (Black Dog series) – This author is fast becoming a favorite author of mine as I like her world building and story telling. So obviously this is a fav. It’s book 4 in the series.

8. Angelbound (Angel Bound Series) – This is the first book in the angel bound series and it is the series that got me into the YA genre.

9. Becoming Alpha (Alpha Girl series) – This series made me fall in love with wolves. Actually, after Dragons Wolves are my second favorite mythical creature. My fav book in the series has to be book 1.

10. Bloodmark (Bloodmark series) – Need I say more? More wolves and for me, this is one awesome well-written series.



Now you have seen my ALL Time Favs what are yours? What’s your favorite Genre?

Top Ten Books I Would Buy Right This Second


Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the very cool gang at The Broke and The Bookish.
Even though I have TBR mountain at the moment, I always agree that you can never have too many books. So here are my top 10 books I would buy right this second

1. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
six of crowsI have has this book on my to buy list for the longest time, but me being the person I am  patiently waiting for the second book to be well and truly out there because I just hate having to wait for a year for the next book. So hopefully soon this beauty will join the others on the TBR mountain.





2. The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
The raven kingSo I need to re-read the whole series from scratch in order for it all to make sense. But I kind of know I’m a completist, so I have to get this book if not the other books will feel lonely and incomplete.






3. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab
darkershadeI was an YALC this year and got to hear V. E Schwab speak and I really love her. Plus her books have been getting some real serious hype, I really want to read them so to the TBR mountain they must go.






4. The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
hiddenoracleI recently bought the Percy Jackson series and have because a new Rick Riordan fan. I have heard a lot about this book and I really would love to read it. Plus it will look really pretty on my bookshelf.






5. This Savage Song
thissavagesongAnother V.E Schwab special, need I say more.







6. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
cinderI am not a great fan of fairytale retellings, but everyone seems to recommend this series and I know its 4 books but I would buy this in a heartbeat if I could.






7. The Young Elites by Marie Lu
youngelitesThe final book of the trilogy is about to be released, which means is time for me to buy the set and get to reading. I have heard and read very awesome things about this series and I have been wanting to read it for a long time.






8. The Hunger games series by Suzanne Collins
hungergamesOnce upon a time, in a faraway land based somewhere in the south of London this book lover decided to watch the Hunger games instead of reading the books. This was way before my blogging days and if I could change it I would. I love the series, I just wish I read it instead.





9. Puffin Classics collection by Various Authors
9780141341712I always loved reading, but there are some gaps in my life (mostly my younger years) where I despised it and so I missed out on the classics. So I would love to buy up some of these classics and perhaps read them. If not for anything else, for a bit of entertainment and to broaden my knowledge.





10. The Harry Potter collection by J.K Rowling
harrypotterOk, I have a confession to make, I don’t own any of the Harry Potter books( terrible I know) but at the time when I read them (Well almost all of them), I lived with my sister who owned them and I felt that was enough. Now I really want to get my own collection of the books




So now you have seen mine, what books would you buy without a second thought?

Top Ten Books I Loved That Have Under 2000 Ratings


Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome crew at The Broke and The Bookish

Now and again I tend to stumble on some really great under hyped or undiscovered books and today I am so happy that I get to share it with you all. So here it goes. You must have noticed by now that Fantasy is my fav genre.

I also included links to the reviews on my blog but don’t feel like you have to take a look.


1. Bound by Duty by Stormy SmithRead my Spoiler free review here

Bound by Duty Cover

2. The Two of Us by Andy Jones – Read my spoiler free review here


3. The Last of the Fire Drakes by Farah Oomerbhoy – Read my spoiler free review here


4. Cipher by Aileen Erin – Read my spoiler free review here


5. Winter Wolf (New Dawn #1) by Rachel M RaithbyRead my spoiler free review

winter wolf

6. Obsidian ( The Dragon Kings #1) by Kimberly LothRead my spoiler free review here


7. Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse #1) by Kaitlyn DavisRead my spoiler free review

gathering frost

8. Evanescent by Gabriella LeporeRead my spolier free review here


9. Maxon  (Angelbound Offspring #1) by Christina BauerRead my spoiler free review


10. Dog With a Bone (The Black Dog #1) by Hailey Edwards – Read my spoiler free review here



Hope you check out these books also feel free to share your own underrated favourites.

Top Ten Things I Love About Blogging


Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome crew at the Broke and the Bookish.

So I haven’t done one of these in a while because I have been hella lazy but I am determined to not be that way anymore (really????)
So as this week is a freebie I decided to share the reasons why I love blogging so much.
As you may or may not know, I have been blogging for a year and 6 months (what the deuce!) and here we go…

1. I Get to Read Lots of Books
This is my most favouritest (a new word?) reason. I can’t believe how many books I read now and blogging just ensures I have an endless supply of books at my disposal.

2. I Joined Netgalley
This has to be my favorite place to visit almost every day on the lookout for new ARCs to read. Through Netgalley I have discovered a lot of debt authors and new genres that I never thought I would.

3. Meeting Fellow Bloggers
This is also a favourite of mine. I can be lazy to make friends or meet new people but with blogging, you already know much of what you have in common “Books!!!” I have met some really super awesome bloggers and I do hope one day we could meet in person and just have fun with book talks. ( but obviously, we will talk about more random stuff).

4. I Found #Bookstagram
I didn’t care much for social media whenI started blogging and just used  twitter every now and again,  but then I found bookstagram and wow! I love it. Even though I get “Feed envy” every single time it just makes me want to learn more and perhaps be better.

5. I Get to Meet Authors
I get requests from really awesome authors to review their books and even do Q & A sessions which I love (need to do more of them right?). I am looking forward to meeting many more authors because they are the ones who feed my passion for reading.

6. Buying Books
The best part is I have an excuse to buy books. I don’t have shelf space at home anymore but books must be bought because I plan to review them all one day.

7. Fangirling About Characters
That moment you fall in love with a character and you get to seriously fangirl about it to the whole world.

8. I am Growing Creatively
I don’t think a lot of people know what goes into preparing some blog posts or personalizing your blog. It takes some creative genius dammit!
Photoshop is now a good friend of mine and my little Canon 400D.

9. Learning New Things
When I started my blog I found it pretty hard to find resources that could help with how to make my blog look more to my taste. So I really had to learn a lot of things from scratch. It has helped me develop more skills and I am always happy to share this knowledge with other bloggers. I also make it a point to ask other bloggers for tips when I spot something on their blog that I like.

10. I Write Better
Now hold on there, I am still a work in progress. But, I promise you I am getting better with how I structure my blog posts and reviews. My vocabulary is better (I think) and my grammar is getting there. I don’t really intend to become a writer or anything but I do love to share my thoughts.

So what are your top 10 things you love about blogging!

Top Ten Series I am Looking Forward to Finishing


Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome crew at The Broke and The Bookish.

This week is a freebie (eek!) and I thought it would be great to share my top 10 trilogies that I cant wait to finish.  I absolutely hate waiting for followup books (and I’m sure a lot of you out there understand this) as I seem to forget to finish the series sometimes, but this year I am determined to finish at least one every month (ha ha, I wish). So in no particular order…..

1. The True Trilogy

true fireTrue Darktrue power

2. The Shiver Trilogy

shiver linger forever

3. Fire Born Trilogy

perf5.250x8.000.indd perf5.250x8.000.indd perf5.250x8.000.indd

4. Bloodmark Trilogy


5. Red Queen Series

The red queenGlass swordcover

6. Talon trilogy


7. The Raven Cycle Series

The Raven Boys The dream thieves Blue lily, lily blue The raven king

8. Chronicle from the Applecross trilogy

chaos born Chaos bound Chaos Broken

9. The Blackcoat Rebellion trilogy

Pawn Captive Queen

10. Half Bad trilogy

half badHalf Wildhalf lost

Are there any trilogies that you are looking forward to finishing. Share yours by leaving a comment below.



Top Ten Books I Recently Added to My TBR


Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome team at The Broke and The Bookish.

Although I vowed to control my growing TBR skyscraper this 2016, I just cant stop adding more and more titles to it. Call it greed but I just have to have it all.

So here are my latest additions to it…..

Glass sword1. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Mare Barrow’s blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court tries to control.
The crown calls her an impossibility, a fake, but as she makes her escape from Maven, the prince—the friend—who betrayed her, Mare uncovers something startling: she is not the only one of her kind.
Pursued by Maven, now a vindictive king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join in the struggle against her oppressors.
But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat.
Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever?

High Witch2. High Witch by Mona Hanna

Brayden dreams for thirty nights, tortured by the vision of a beautiful woman. When Ariel Williams walks into his inn, he sees that she’s the one he’s been obsessed with in his night time journeys. But Ariel is fleeing an arranged marriage and keeps shyly to herself, until the worst happens and by mistake she casts a spell on a guest. Brayden works with Ariel to help her control her magic but discovers she’s a High Witch – one of only three witches in the world with a rare kind of power.

Immediately the two must flee; evil warlock Julius wants to enslave Ariel – mind, heart and body. Julius and his lover the High Witch Nadia will stop at nothing to capture Ariel, and the danger threatens to tear Ariel apart from Brayden. Ariel’s only hope is that her love for Brayden and her newly-discovered powers are strong enough to save them

Annabeth3. Annabeth Neverending by Leyla Kader Dahm

At first, teenager Annabeth Prescott thinks she’s found quite a deal when she talks down the price of an ankh pendant she discovers at a flea market. She soon wonders if the bauble is more than she’s bargained for when she faints and glimpses images from a past life in ancient Egypt.

The discovery coincides with another new find: Gabriel, a handsome young man who takes an interest in her. When she meets his twin brother C. J. at a Halloween party, she realizes they look exactly like two boys who figure prominently into her memories.
Does C. J. share the heroic qualities held by his past incarnation Sethe, her bodyguard when she was Princess Ana? Does Gabriel possess the same evil powers he wielded as Kha, the black sorcerer who sought her affection?
Love meets the supernatural in this gripping young adult paranormal romance. Readers with an interest in reincarnation, as well as ancient Egypt, will be drawn to its mystical mixture of history and hesitation as Annabeth sways between the two brothers.
Will her reincarnated soulmate win out? Or will Kha finally find the way to her heart?

Flawed4. Flawed by Cecelia Ahern

The Scarlet Letter meets Divergent in this thoughtful and thrilling novel by bestselling author Cecelia Ahern.
Celestine North lives a perfect life. She’s a model daughter and sister, she’s well-liked by her classmates and teachers, and she’s dating the impossibly charming Art Crevan.
But then Celestine encounters a situation where she makes an instinctive decision. She breaks a rule. And now faces life-changing repercussions.
She could be imprisoned. She could be branded. She could be found FLAWED.


Notifiseeyou5. Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom

Parker Grant doesn’t need 20/20 vision to see right through you. That’s why she created the Rules: Don’t treat her any differently just because she’s blind, and never take advantage. There will be no second chances. Just ask Scott Kilpatrick, the boy who broke her heart.
When Scott suddenly reappears in her life after being gone for years, Parker knows there’s only one way to react-shun him so hard it hurts. She has enough on her mind already, like trying out for the track team (that’s right, her eyes don’t work but her legs still do), doling out tough-love advice to her painfully naive classmates, and giving herself gold stars for every day she hasn’t cried since her dad’s death three months ago. But avoiding her past quickly proves impossible, and the more Parker learns about what really happened–both with Scott, and her dad–the more she starts to question if things are always as they seem. Maybe, just maybe, some Rules are meant to be broken.

beautifulbroken6. Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard

Best friends Caddy and Rosie are inseparable. Their differences have brought them closer, but as she turns sixteen Caddy begins to wish she could be a bit more like Rosie – confident, funny and interesting. Then Suzanne comes into their lives: beautiful, damaged, exciting and mysterious, and things get a whole lot more complicated. As Suzanne’s past is revealed and her present begins to unravel, Caddy begins to see how much fun a little trouble can be. But the course of both friendship and recovery is rougher than either girl realises, and Caddy is about to learn that downward spirals have a momentum of their own.

thelittleshop7. The Little Shop of Happy Ever After by Jenny Colgan

Given a back-room computer job when the beloved Birmingham library she works in turns into a downsized retail complex, Nina misses her old role terribly – dealing with people, greeting her regulars, making sure everyone gets the right books for their needs. Then a new business nobody else wants catches her eye: owning a tiny little bookshop bus up in the Scottish highlands. No computers. Shortages. Out all hours in the freezing cold; driving with a tiny stock of books… not to mention how the little community is going to take to her, particularly when she stalls the bus on a level crossing..

the secret fire8. The Secret Fire by C.J Doherty and Carina Rozenfeld

French teen Sacha Winters can’t die. He can throw himself off a roof, be stabbed, even shot, and he will always survive. Until the day when history and ancient enmities dictate that he must die. Worse still, his death will trigger something awful. Something deadly. And that day is closing in.
Taylor Montclair is a normal English girl, hanging out with her friends and studying for exams, until she starts shorting out the lights with her brain. She’s also the only person on earth who can save Sacha.
There’s only one problem: the two of them have never met. They live hundreds of miles apart and powerful forces will stop at nothing to keep them apart.
They have eight weeks to find each other.
Will they survive long enough to save the world?

The Shadow Soul9. The Shadow Soul by Kaitlin Davis

When Jinji’s home is destroyed, she is left with nowhere to run and no one to run to–until she meets Rhen, a prince chasing rumors that foreign enemies have landed on his shores. Masquerading as a boy, Jinji joins Rhen with vengeance in her heart. But traveling together doesn’t mean trusting one another, and both are keeping a deep secret–magic. Jinji can weave the elements to create master illusions and Rhen can pull burning flames into his flesh.
But while they struggle to hide the truth, a shadow lurks in the night. An ancient evil has reawakened, and unbeknownst to them, these two unlikely companions hold the key to its defeat. Because their meeting was not coincidence–it was fate. And their story has played out before, in a long forgotten time, an age of myth that is about to be reborn…

uprooted10. Uprooted by Naomi Novic

Agnieszka loves her valley home, her quiet village, the forests and the bright shining river. But the corrupted Wood stands on the border, full of malevolent power, and its shadow lies over her life.
Her people rely on the cold, driven wizard known only as the Dragon to keep its powers at bay. But he demands a terrible price for his help: one young woman handed over to serve him for ten years, a fate almost as terrible as falling to the Wood.
The next choosing is fast approaching, and Agnieszka is afraid. She knows—everyone knows—that the Dragon will take Kasia: beautiful, graceful, brave Kasia, all the things Agnieszka isn’t, and her dearest friend in the world. And there is no way to save her.
But Agnieszka fears the wrong things. For when the Dragon comes, it is not Kasia he will choose

Now you know mine. why don’t you share yours with me!



Top Ten Tuesday


Top 10 2015 Releases I Meant to Get to but Didn’t

Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome team at The Broke and The Bookish

Last year I had a reading list to last me for ages and still I kept being greedy for more book. Her is my list in no particular order…..

The Heir

  1. The Heir  by Keira Cass – I absolutely loved this series last year and after reading the initial 3 books in the series, I have just been staring at this one in my eReader not knowing what to expect. I guess its time to find out.

Tiny pretty

2. Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra & Dhonielle Clayton – This was recommended to me by a publisher and while I have hear great things about it, I am still wondering if I will like it at all. So another one for the 2016 TBR pile



3. Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley – Ok I actually attempted to read this one, but maybe I wasn’t in the right frame of mind so I gave up on it. I think I will try again as the reviews I have seen are pretty good.



4. EndGame: The Calling by James Frey – Just never got the chance to pick this one up so I guess now is as good a time as any.


the Jewel

5. The Jewel by Amy Ewing – After reading the selection series, I wasn’t sure I wanted another one similar, but after thinking about it I am ready to give this one a try.



6. Uprooted by Naomi Novic – I have heard nothing but good stuff about this book that I am scared to even like it. But the moment of truth awaits.


The seventh bride

7. The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher – the synopsis of this book scared me a little but I am too intrigued to let this one pass. So to the TBR pile it goes.



8. Crystallum by Laney McMann – I really enjoyed this authors previous series and thought this should be pretty good too.


True Dark

9. True Dark (True Fire #2) by Gary Meehan – Awesome series. I loved book 1 and even though I have to somehow re-read book 1 again, I am still up for this series.


the secret fire

10. The Secret Fire ( The Alchemist Chronicles #1) by C.J. Daugherty & Carina Rozenfeld – Not sure why I haven’t read this one yet. It might be that I just forgot it was sitting there…. To the TBR pile it goes!

Thanks for visiting, hope you leave a comment and share some of your own titles you didn’t get round to reading in 2015.



Top Ten Book to Movie Adaptations

Top Ten T

Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by the awesome team at The Broke and The Bookish. I absolutely love this one that I had almost 20 books lined up and it was hard to narrow them down to just 10. But here it goes I broke it down to the ones I have actually read the books of and the ones I am looking forward to.


  1. Divergent by Veronica Roth  – I really loved this book and as the movie stayed true to the book it made me love it soo much more. This is a top rated for me as they stuck to the story.
  2. Maze Runner by James Dashner  – I think the book was wayyy better than the movie in my opinion. I just felt something was missing from the movie when I watched it.
  3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn – Ok so I could never really bring myself to complete this book as it just seemed dark at the time.But I absolutely loved the movie. a bit haunting but stunning all the same.
  4. 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James – I liked the book, badly written but a fab love story of sorts. I have never brought myself to watch the movie, don’t want to ruin the feeling.
  5. Let The Church Say Amen by ReShonda Tate Billingsley – Ok havent yet seen the movie but this book in particular is why I developed my love for reading. As you know ReShonda addresses the issues that no one want to touch and I love that there is always drama.

The ones I am looking forward to…….


  1. The Selection by Kiera Cass – Great read and although it has received lots of love and criticism I am eager to see what the movie will be like.
  2. Me Before you by Jojo Moyes – One on the books for me to read and I have no doubt that this is a winner and the movie will be equally great.
  3. Let it Snow by John Green – So I love John Green haven’t read this one yet but I surely will.
  4. Red Rising by Pierce Brown – New to my reading list and cant wait to see what the movie could be like.
  5. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater – Yes this is a personal favorite for me and one of the first YA book I actually read. So I am eager to see it come to life on the big screen.

Did you like my Top Ten? Leave a comment and share yours with me!