Day 22 – Quit Looking

I missed a few days of my challenge, well its really a week. Wow! I had a full on week and while I tried on numerous occasions to motivate my self and will my fingers to hit the shutter button, it just wasn’t happening. But I’m back on top of it again so lets pick up where we left off.

Here is my feathery friend I had the pleasure of meeting today at lunch time.


Day 16 – Look Up

Spring is on the horizon and I am soo happy. Today I was passing St Paul’s and decided I better get a photo while the weather is looking ok-ish  and also because I have never done any photos of this popular land mark.


Day 14 – Making a Splash

Today I took the camera out to take some photos and forgot the CF card at home. Doh!  I was experimenting a bit today and here is the result. I shall fine tune it and make it even more dramatic.

I’m just stoked that I made it to day 14! Thank you for all your support.
