Fun Fact Friday : Book and Dessert Pairing Guide


Hai! Its been a fairly busy week and I have just been lazy to blog can you tell?

In the spirit of the Great British Bake Off season, I present you with this awesome infographic courtesy of Shari’s Berries

Book Review: Mad Dog by Lola Moore

mad dogRelease date: 11th June 2016
Source: Author
Rating: ★★★★☆

“Really? Can Mad Dog do that?” She asked. Ellen nodded with a smile “Well, it seems he can, and he is doing it. He’s a very powerful man, Hope.”
However, it didn’t help that everything was such a big mystery. Who exactly was Mad Dog? Did he really live up to his nickname? Even more disturbing was the mysterious red head in his life- who was she?For Hope, being the new temporary face of a famous and expensive fashion Line Company didn’t only require that she come out of her world of naiveté and experience the confidence and certainty that knowledge usually provides, but also exposed her to the passion, vulnerability and overwhelming desire that only Mad Dog could ignite.


The Review

Special thanks to the author for a copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review

The story focuses on Hope, who is very much a plain Jane who likes to read and just graduated from Uni. Her sister enters her in a competition where she wins the prize of being the face of Mad Dog, a very popular fashion line. Hope sees this as an opportunity to experience life on the other side and of course, meet the well-known playboy known as Mad Dog. Despite all the warnings, Hope is drawn to Mad Dog and it’s not long before she has to make certain decisions especially with all the rumors she keeps hearing.

What did I think? Actually this as a quite a fun and quick read. If you like a good Mills and Boon romance type book then you will love this book. The plot was simple, slightly predictable but like I said, I don’t mind that as long as it is a fun ride to the end. So the main character Hope was just slightly annoying, her ignorance initially seemed a bit cute but even after she became the face of Mag Dog, common sense should tell you that you need at least be clued up with what was happening around you. So yes that drove me slightly mental. I quite liked Mad Dog, although it would have awesome if the author gave him a real name…. like Brian or something or even a real last name, it just felt a bit awkward and clunky referring to him as Mad Dog throughout the book.
I like Ellen, she brought some attitude and sassiness to the story that made me smile, what happened with Dwayne in the end…. he seemed to fizzle away. Supporting characters for the book we ok, I liked the red-head lady she brought a certain mysteriousness to the story it had me speculating who she could be throughout the book and I was shocked when I found out so kudos to the author for that surprise.
Kendra….. well I might let you find out about that one on your own. I enjoyed the pace of the book although sometimes I wanted things to move faster, that’s just me as I can be quite impatient when it comes to the fun bits of a book. Plus the author did some fabulous story telling
Overall it was a fun romantic read and would highly recommend it. Plus it is only 99p on Amazon so be sure to pick up a copy here.

photoAbout the Author
Lola Moore is a Nigerian born lawyer and author. Her love for writing stems from her insatiable love for reading. She especially enjoys creative writing. Lola believes that good book is entertainment for the heart.
Her hobbies are reading, writing, watching movies, cooking, cycling, playing tennis and socialising.
Lola lives in the South East of England with her husband and two daughters.

Book Review: One Hot Summer by Kat French

onehotsummerRelease date: 2nd June 2016
Publisher: Avon HarperCollins
Source: Netgalley


Being married to a celebrity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when that celebrity has a very public affair with his co-star…

Alice McBride is determined that the one thing she won’t lose in her marriage breakup is Borne Manor, her beloved home, but she gets more than she bargained for when she rents it out for the summer and a sexy cowboy comes to stay.

Country music star Robinson Duff has had his own share of heartbreak and needs somewhere quiet to hide out for the summer. Neither Alice nor Robinson are in any position for romance; the timing is terrible and they’re both rebounding like out of control frisbees.

Can a holiday romance help mend their broken hearts. Or will it just make things even worse when the long hot summer comes to its inevitable end?


The Review

I simply loved this book, its a story about heartbreak and finding love when you least expect it.
The story is about Alice, she is married to Brad a TV celebrity and after 5 years of marriage finds herself in the middle of an infidelity scandal. While Alice tries to come to terms with this new development she is also aware that she could lose her dream home as her soon to be ex-husband will no longer pay the mortgage. She that gets the idea to rent out the manor for 6 months to a very sexy cowboy while she tries to figure out what to do next.
What Alice didn’t expect was to develop an unlikely friendship with Robinson , they both know a rebound fling will go nowhere and that suits them both for the summer but what happens when the summer is over and everything they are running from come knocking on their door.
What did I think? This book was just soo amazing. It had just the right amount of everything in it. The story is set in the English countryside( I don’t fully remember where) which brought an easy atmosphere to the story. I really liked Alice as the lead character, she had a kind of strength that was hard to ignore. I liked her determination and her choosing to fight for what she loved.
Her neighbors were just the icing on the cake here. Stewie and Hazel were the best especially towards the end of the book. Niamh, was the kind of friend I need to have in my life, no wait I think I have one of those. But if you don’t have one like her, you need one! She was a great support system for Alice through the everything.
Then there is Robinson…… I loved everything about this dude. I liked how he just let Alice be who she wanted to be, supporting her and encouraging her. The book had quite a bit of steam and delayed gratification….. Let’s not speak about Brad because people like him exist everywhere.
Th pace of the book was really good, I really enjoyed the laugh out loud moments and cringe moments, I just wish I could start this book all over again.

Ramblings: Top 5 YA books for your July TBR list

Hey book lovers, summer is upon us and you know what this means right? It means lots of sun, holidays and wait for it (drum roll please) “reading!!”. So I just wanted to shout about the top books for July that should be on your TBR list (if you haven’t added them already)

1. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

I know everyone is still swooning with VE Schwab’s “A gathering of Shadows” series and what does she do? She brings along this beauty.

savagesong-hc-cRelease date: 5th July 2016


Kate Harker and August Flynn never should have met. They live in opposite ends of Verity, a grisly metropolis where evil acts breed literal monsters. Violence creates clawing Corsai; murder summons bloodsucking Malchai; and the most terrible atrocities create the mysterious soul-stealing Sunai. One side of the city, ruled by Kate’s father, Callum Harker, has struck a devil’s bargain with the monsters. The other, led by August’s father, fights them. The thin truce that keeps the Harker and Flynn families at peace is crumbling, and August is sent to spy on Kate. But when Harker’s own men try to assassinate Kate and pin it on the Flynns, August finds himself at a crossroads: let his family be framed for her murder, or save the life of his father’s enemy. August and Kate quickly find themselves running from both sides as they try to stay alive long enough to uncover who wanted her dead, in a city where no-one is safe and monsters are real…

Praise for this savage song
“Schwab’s latest seems poised to grab both her adult and teen readers; the world is fascinating…the characters complicated, and the political machinations and emotions depths both charged and compelling. …Crackling with energy, just the ticket for an all-night read.”Kirkus Reviews


2. Shiny Broken Pieces by Sona Charaipotra & Dhonielle Clayton

This is the stunning sequel to Tiny Broken Things. The author takes us back to a world of ballerina’s, gossip, lies and dare I say it, scandal! ( we all love a bit of scandal). Don’t you just love the cover?

shinyRelease date: 12th July 2016


June, Bette, and Gigi are competing one final time for a spot at the prestigious American Ballet Company. With the stakes higher than ever, these girls have everything to lose…and no one is playing nice. June is starting to finally see herself as a prima ballerina. But being the best could mean sacrificing the love of her life. Legacy dancer Bette is determined to clear her name after she was suspended and accused of hurting her rival, Gigi. And Gigi is not going to let Bette—or the other dancers who bullied her—go unpunished. It all comes down to this last dance. Who will make the cut? And who will lose her dream forever?


3. The Shadow Hour by Melissa Grey

This is the sequel to the author’s debut urban fantasy novel The Girl at Midnight.

shadowRelease date:12th July 2016


Everything in Echo’s life changed in a blinding flash when she learned the startling truth: she is the firebird, the creature of light that is said to bring peace.
The firebird has come into the world, but it has not come alone. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and Echo can feel a great and terrible darkness rising in the distance. Cosmic forces threaten to tear the world apart.
Echo has already lost her home, her family, and her boyfriend. Now, as the firebird, her path is filled with even greater dangers than the ones she’s already overcome.
She knows the Dragon Prince will not fall without a fight.
Echo must decide: can she wield the power of her true nature — or will it prove too strong for her, and burn what’s left of her world to the ground?
Welcome to the shadow hour.

Praise for The Shadow Hour
Ripe with sarcasm and complicated relationships, an action- and angst-packed installment reminiscent of Buffy and Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere.Kirkus Reviews


4. Paper and Fire by Rachel Cain

Book 2 in the Great Library Series and the highly anticipated sequel to Ink and Bone.

paperfireRelease date: 5th July 2016


With an iron fist, The Great Library controls the knowledge of the world, ruthlessly stamping out all rebellion, forbidding the personal ownership of books in the name of the greater good.

Jess Brightwell has survived his introduction to the sinister, seductive world of the Library, but serving in its army is nothing like he envisioned. His life and the lives of those he cares for have been altered forever. His best friend is lost, and Morgan, the girl he loves, is locked away in the Iron Tower and doomed to a life apart.

Embarking on a mission to save one of their own, Jess and his band of allies make one wrong move and suddenly find themselves hunted by the Library’s deadly automata and forced to flee Alexandria, all the way to London.

But Jess’s home isn’t safe anymore. The Welsh army is coming, London is burning, and soon, Jess must choose between his friends, his family, or the Library willing to sacrifice anything and anyone in the search for ultimate control…



5. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Ok, this one is only released on the 31st of July so will excuse you if it is added to your August reading list. Apparently, JK wrote this as a story first before it was transposed into a play. So, not sure if the book will be written in the form of a play… guess we will have to wait and see.

cursed-child-book-coverRelease date: 31st July 2016


It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-age children.
While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes darkness comes from unexpected places.

For anyone out there that doesn’t know J.K Rowling has added a personal touch to the hype around the play. And here she asks her fans to #Keepasecret so that there are no spoilers for other fans that have not seen the play yet!


Blog Tour Stop + Review : The Snake Den by Nikki Rae

snake den cover FINAL

The Snake Den by Nikki Rae
Release Date: 31st May 2016
Series: Shadow and InK Series #1
Genre: Paranormal romance


About the Book

The box has opened a door to the dark place where the voice Corbin hears dwells. Not only that, but she’s brought it forth in human form, into her world, into the light. But others have been alerted to her existence, and Six is only the beginning of the imaginary becoming real. Torn between her love for Six and wanting a normal life, Corbin must decide if she should live in the light or hide in the dark.

The Review ★★★☆☆

A very Special thanks to the author for this ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

I read the first book of this series earlier this year and even though a lot of it seemed vague I was spurred on to read book 2. I wanted to know where the story of Corbin and Six would lead.
Book 2 picks up from where book 1 ended. Corbin wakes up in this world where Six is no longer just a voice but a person, a real solid person she can touch and see. But Corbin does not quite trust her mind as a lot of what Six can do does not make much sense to her. School is also starting soon and Corbin tries to make it all work, having her private world with Six and also her normal everyday life with her mom, Jordan, and school.our world But Corbin wants more, she wants Six to be with her in her everyday world so she must help him “become”.
Everything seems to be going great and then she meets a new guy in her art Class names Rust who seems normal enough or is he?
What did I think? All I can say is what a rollercoaster. This book is seriously messing with my mind, and why does the author always end on some cliffhanger moment that makes me so unbelievably upset because I need to read the next book asap.
In this book we get to know more about Six, what he is but there are still way too many holes in the story. I felt the story moved a bit too slow but I guess it was for Corbin to get closer to Six. Half of the book to me was still a big tease because I kept wanting much more. When all the good stuff started happening it was the end again. the snake den teaser
I would have loved more of a back story about where Six came from, they kept going on about labels and what not which was annoying.
Again I appear to have been blindsided by Rust but her what else is new.
Jordan just seemed like an unwanted extra in the background, I mean why was she so angry? I do how book 3 is around the corner as I really need to know how this all ends.

Buy it Here


Read the review for Book 1 : The Crow Box

new author pictureAbout the Author

Nikki Rae is an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.

Author Links

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram

Book Review : Desire Inc by Zoe Zarani

9780008168131Release date: 26th November 2015

Publisher: Harpercollins

Source: Author


Twenty-nine-year-old Nicole Wenders dedicates her life to growing Desire, Inc, her high-end handbag business in new York City with the help of Leila, her lesbian assistant and best friend. She also owns Close Encounters, an escort business for women and donates the profits to help women in Third World countries. For reasons she has only confided to Leila, Nicole has little use for men, considering them nothing more that sexual accessories. When wealthy and handsome Archer Thorne, who has trusting issues of his own,
walks into her showroom, the sexual attraction is instantaneous. They enjoy each other with great lust, but as they continue to see each other, something like love starts to knock at Nicole’s heart, at the risk of ruining everything.

The Review

I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Let me just say, I have read quite a few erotic romance stories and most have followed the same pattern and can be a bit boring, but I must concede that this one was by far a more realistic story that most. I say realistic in terms of the storyline, the ending of course the steamy content. I won’t lie I think I expected a bit more from the story, I thought stuff from Nicole’s past would pop up and even though Archer’s past came knocking it didn’t add a massive amount to the story. I thought if his ex wanted Archer back she would have done more to fight for him. But also maybe I have read too many books with unrealistic plots. This just seems more realistic I guess. In terms of the characters I did liked Leila although her love life issues just seemed super irrelevant at some point. But I guess it did shed light on the fact that no matter how many times you get hurt in relationships and love you should be grateful for the experience and not sop looking for it. Sharon, the elderly neighbor was also just an extra that I kept wondering about. It was towards the end that I realized why she was even in the story…As for Kelly I really didn’t warm to her, and to be honest I was expecting most of what happened when Archer found out. I loved Boris, his monosyllabic conversations with Nicole were the best part of the book.

I did enjoy the authors writing style, it kind of drew me into the story and I found myself wishing that the story shouldn’t end. I also liked how the book ended, it as left with the possibility of there being a follow up novella or sequel if the author chooses to. And it also didn’t end on a cliffhanger that made me feel pretty pissed off like when I read the last book in the Bared to You series.

So if you was a great romance read with lots of steam, then this is definitely for you.

Book Review: Break In Two by MJ Summers

break-in-two-ebook-1333-x-2000Released date:

Source: Netgalley



Thirty-one year old Claire Hatley is running from Seattle having just discovered that her live-in boyfriend has traded her in for a twenty-two year old hostess. Devastated and alone Claire must make a fresh start. She answers an ad for a chef at a guest ranch just outside Colorado Springs and finds herself face to face with Cole Mitchell, quite possibly the sexiest man to ever ride a horse. Common sense tells them to stay away from each other, but their attraction is not to be denied. He gives her a glimpse of what love should be, but just as she starts to trust him, the past comes back to tear them apart.
Join Claire and Cole as they embark on the stormy love affair of a lifetime.


The Review

This is the first book in a series but I think its done in a way that each book can be read independently which I really like. I had a bit of an inkling on what the story could be about although compared to my imagination the book was wayyy better.

The book opens up with Claire a chef who is running form a relationship that ended badly, as in heartbreakingly bad that she has decided she is off men until she can sort out her life. And so to make a new start she takes up a job on a guest ranch in the middle of nowhere and comes face to face with the very handsome owner Cole. Claire didnt expect to be attracted to her new boss and she knows it is wrong to have a relationship with him, as this could bring about all sorts of issues. On the other hand Cole knows that the employees are off limits but can’t seem to stop how he feels about her. Something about her makes him just want to protect her. Soon they can’t help them selves and everything starts to move very fast but it feels so right. Everything seems to be going perfect or so Claire thinks until Cole’s past rears its ugly head. Will the love between Cole and Claire be enough to hold them together?

What did I like? I absolutely loved reading this book, it is just soo addictive and also very steamy. The romantic gestures were so beautifully done that I was wishing I could have all of that. I really liked Cole, he was calm and collected all the time that any woman would feel safe around him. Claire was ok but I didn’t like her insecurities, I mean I know its not been easy for her but she was annoying. It just goes to show that even the prettiest girls you think have it all have the strangest insecurities. So never judge a book by its cover. The book also showed that you should take a step back sometimes and see the real reasons why we do some of the stuff we do. Is it because we love our partners or for selfish reasons? Will you always be willing to fight for the person you just cannot live without?

I really enjoyed this book and recommend that all the romance lovers get a copy and give it a read. You will not be disappointed.

Book Review: The Second Time I Saw You by Pippa Croft



Release date : 22nd May 2014

Publisher: Penguin

Source: Netgalley



It’s the beginning of a new term at Wyckham College, Oxford, and a fresh start for Lauren Cusack. Her fingers were badly burnt when a whirlwind romance with gorgeous English aristocrat, Alexander Hunt, became too hot to handle – and now she’s determined to keep her distance. Her resolve is shaken when Alexander appears on her doorstep – he’s been completely torn apart by some devastating news. Lauren knows that she should stay away, but their chemistry is undeniable and she soon finds herself back in Alexander’s arms. Can Lauren handle the drama that comes with Alexander Hunt? Or will she have to sacrifice the most exhilarating passion she’s ever known . . . –


The Review

So it’s a new term and after how things ended with Alexander, Lauren is ready to get her focus back and not think about Alexander. But just when she thought she might never see him again her shows up at her room looking distraught over his fathers death. Lauren doesn’t know what else to do but be there for Alexander at this very difficult time.

She knows that things should not get complicated but with the attraction and passion between them it seems impossible and soon Lauren is pulled back into Alexander’s orbit. And this time its even deeper as she gets to meet his sister. Soon there is more drama than Lauren can handle with Emma and her love like issues and Valentina who is desperate to win Alexander back. With Alexander’s father now dead, he must make the choice to take over the family estate or go back to the army.

What did I like about the book? I like that we pick up where we left off and boy this book just has soo much drama. At every turn it just kept getting better. I could slowly see Lauren loosing a little of her self and it is soo easy for that to happen when you have a man like Alexander Hunt in your life.

What I didn’t like? I am trying to understand why we spent so much time getting to know Scott, he doesn’t even feature that much in the story, just some fleeting moments as a distraction if you ask me. Also Prof Rafe, what is his story creepy much?. Yes he is a perv we all had one of those at Uni but I think he was super irrelevant to everything happening. Also I am not being a prude but I doubt people in real life have that much sex in a day anybody agree with me?. I mean c’mon no matter how young you are I don’t think it can be that much.

Overall a really awesome book. I think this one was my favorite in the series with some really super sexy heat….. book 3 here we come.

Book Review : The First Time We Met ( The Oxford Blue Series #1) by Pippa Croft


Release date : October 9th 2014

Publisher: Penguin

Source: Publisher

Rating: ★★★★★


Senator’s daughter Lauren Cusack is leaving Washington behind for the dreaming spires of Oxford University – and she’s ready for a challenge. Now a fully-fledged Master’s student, Lauren is determined to make the most of every single minute. But then she meets Alexander Hunt, and everything changes. A devastatingly handsome English aristocrat, Alexander is as brooding and enigmatic as they come. Lauren tries to resist his advances, but he has his sights clearly set on the young American, and what Alexander wants, he gets. Caution soon gives way to mind-blowing passion and Lauren is drawn into Alexander’s privileged world of glamour and status. But all that glitters is not gold – for Alexander is a man with a dark past, and desire may not be enough to conquer all else . . .


The Review

Let me just start by saying this was my second attempt at reading this book. The first time I picked it up I gave up in minutes because the author in my opinion spent too much time describing the details that I found not so interesting. So they wear designer clothes and they are from wealthy families big deal. Ok now onto the book.

The book opens with Lauren who is American and has left her home in Washington to pursue a Masters at Wychham College Oxford . On her first day she makes friend with Imogen (Immy) who helps her get settled and invites her to hang with some of her friends. One of which is Rupert, such an ego driven prat and when he tries to put the moves on Lauren she rebuffs him and in her anger she storms out and runs straight into the hottest guy she has had the pleasure of knowing. Alexander Hunt is every girls dream and like his name “Hunt” he loves a challenge. Lauren knows she needs to focus on her studies and ignore Alexanders advances. But soon she gives in to her need for him. The passion the brews between them is addictive and they both can’t get enough of each other. Soon Lauren is drawn into Alexander’s world of glamour where status is everything and soon Lauren starts to wonder she is out of her depth. Plus there is the matter of Alexander’s ex Valentina knows the right buttons to push that just might tip Lauren over the edge.

What did I like about the book? To be honest this was not that much different from all other erotic/romance trilogies you read. The concept is the same, young inexperienced girl meets rich experienced brooding man and then the rest of the story follows. I liked this maybe because they were younger and were students in pursuit of an ambition. At least they wanted to do meaningful things with their lives. I liked Alexander’s character with his over the top gestures of romance. It had me wishing I had an Alexander Hunt of my own. Lauren wasn’t such a bad character, I found her to be less whiney but still prone to doing very silly things when provoked especially when she kept taking the bait that Rupert and Valentina threw out to her.

What I didn’t like? There was just a lot of bits to the story that was not needed. I know you need to set the scene but it was just a bit much sometimes that I had to skip pages to get to the story.

Overall I really enjoyed the book and dare I say that I am hooked especially with that cliff hanger ending. I need to get out there and get book 2.

Blog Tour Stop + Excerpt + Review : Ash to Steel by Karen-Anne Stewart

Ash Banner

Who I am and all I believe is marred with just one glance into angry, steel blue eyes. He seems to control my air, my ability to breathe. He makes me crave everything I know is a sin. Pure becomes tainted and lines are blurred. It’s my fault; I’m the one who isn’t strong enough. I’ve been damaged…broken. Breck’s words haunt me…’There’s a consequence for every choice you make.’

I’ve had so many women I can’t even remember over half of their names, but none of them are mine; I make damn sure of that. I take what I desire and never look back. I don’t need or want anyone, ever…not until I met Emma. Those eyes bore into what’s left of my soul and her touch sears me, weakens me. I want to hate her for that. She is my ruin…my sweetest hell.
Disclaimer: Intended for readers 18+ due to strong language, mature scenes, and some violence.


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The Review
It’s been a while since I read a real soppy love story as I have had my head stuck in tons of YA. This was a nice and welcomed change of pace. The story is really and truly about Breck Steel but then to get to the depth of the story we have Emma Jones. Continue reading “Blog Tour Stop + Excerpt + Review : Ash to Steel by Karen-Anne Stewart”