#BTT: Is my blog mobile responsive?

Hi Everyone, its  been a long hard slog to get back into blogging but I am back with a blogging tip for you this week

Let me start off by saying that when I started blogging I already had a bit of knowledge about websites and emails because of my day job, but I also realised that there are a ton of people out there that when they start blogging they just know the basics of setting up a blog and not all the other bells and whistles that go with it.

Smart phones & tablets are becoming more and more popular and not just that, they have become the extension of your arm and the must have tool for your everyday life.
I don’t like how much I rely on this my smart phone but I do like having the convenience of it. Bearing this in mind, when you are starting your blog or if you have a blog already make sure it is mobile responsive.

What does that mean? This simply means, it’s easy for people on the go to access and read your blog just like they would on their desktop computer.
It might sound like something hard to do but its really easy to do this.
Wordpress is pretty cool that within the settings for your blog you can just select the option to make it happen.
This option can be found ‘Appearance’ option. Just select Mobile and the option to enable your mobile theme can be selected. There are options to also view what it will look like although these are just general views and may not represent all the devices readers are using.
Another way for you to view a mobile version of your blog:
Go to http://quirktools.com/screenfly/

Pop in your blog URL bippity boppity boo!
It allows you to see your blog in a huge range of devices, and the best part is, it’s FREE to use!!!

If you are happy with what you see then all systems are go.

Did this help? Please leave a comment or if you have any blogging questions I can help with.


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